Hulk Hogan Comes to Kinect Next Week
You'll have to supply your own shirt to rip.

Y’know somethin’, Mean Gene? I don’t think a lotta people know that Hulk Hogan’s Main Event is coming to the Xbox 360 Kinect, brother! I need to tell the world that all the little Hulkamaniacs can get train with The Hulkster and learn how to flex their mini pythons to win over the crowd!
Ahem. Hulk Hogan’s Main Event is coming to the Kinect next Tuesday. Players can participate in various mini games that allow them to mimic Hogan’s memorable, crowd-pleasing moves to score points with the fans. Once in the ring, you’ll use all manner of body motions to pull off over 50 different wrestling moves. With Star Wars Kinect getting delayed to next year and Fable: The Journey oddly M.I.A. since E3, this is poised to be one of the major releases for the peripheral this season.
So say your prayers, take your vitamins, and step into the ring on October 11th! Because whatcha gonna do, when Hulk Hogan’s Main Event runs wild on you!