Dragon Age: Redemption and Mark of the Assassins Debut Today
Get a double dose of the delectable Felicia Day.

BioWare and EA have been known for their cross-media promotions with their bigger franchises the past couple of years. Between novels, comic books, Facebook social games, and other venues it is very easy to really dive into the virtual worlds that they create. Today, though, they may well have outdone themselves.
Launching today is the webseries Dragon Age: Redemption. This live-action tale set around the city of Kirkwall from Dragon Age II stars none other than Felicia Day. Day, creator of the critically-acclaimed series The Guild (and star of my dreams) wrote and co-produced the series of shorts that debuted today.
Ms. Day plays Tallis, and Elven rogue in service to the Qunari, the race of grey, horned giants that were one of the focal points of the second game. Sten, a party member from Dragon Age: Origins, was also a Qunari, but the design for the imposing race underwent a drastic change in the sequel. Tallis is on the trail of a Qunari Saarebus (read: mage), played by Doug Jones (Abe Sapien from Hellboy).
If that’s not enough red-headed elf action for you (and who could blame you?), you can also download the Dragon Age: Mark of the Assassin DLC add-on for Dragon Age II today. This adventure sees your version of Hawke travelling with Tallis to Orlais, a city talked about often in the Dragon Age universe but not shown until now.
Dragon Age: Mark of the Assassin is out now for PSN, XBLA, and PC. It is priced at 7.99, or 800 Microsoft Points.