Press Release - Burn Zombie Burn! Presents Zombie World Tour 2009

GUILDFORD, ENGLAND, Oct. 1, 2009 - Kuju Entertainment and developer doublesix are looking for a skilled zombie-slayer who is ready for some international travel in the first of many such competitions!
Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 6, Burn Zombie Burn! players can sign up on the Sony Computer Entertainment America Web site for their chance to win an eerie European vacation, exploring two of the world's most famous tombs: the catacombs of Paris and Valley of the Kings in Egypt. The player who posts the highest score in the Burn Zombie Burn! Secret Lab level on Freeplay mode from Tuesday, Oct. 6 through Monday, Nov. 2 will be rewarded with the eight-night vacation package.
The winning player and a friend will be swept off to Paris, where they will spend three nights at the Aida Opera Hotel and visit the Catacombs de Paris, a labyrinth of tunnels covered entirely in the skulls and bones of 18th century Parisians, and Pere Lachaise Cemetery, eternal home to the likes of Jim Morrison and Oscar Wilde. If there are zombies to be found in France, the master zombie-killer who wins this tour is sure to find them at these
eerie historic locations.
Once Paris has been cleared of any undead, it will be off to Egypt, where the winner will stay at the Mercure Hotel in Luxor, and spend five days exploring ancient Egyptian history with tours of the Valley of the Kings, final resting place of King Tutankhamun, and Hatshepsut Temple, a mortuary temple dedicated to the sun god.
Additional details and official contest rules can be found on the Burn Zombie Burn! Web site at