Final Fantasy XIV Getting Magitek Armor?
The embattled Square Enix MMORPG is also getting traditional job classes.

Final Fantasy XIV is going to be undergoing a major overhaul in the next year, and more details about this “2.0” version of the game have come to light. Producer Naoki Yoshida made a live presentation on YouTube and revealed some possibly ground-shaking changes for Eorzea.
Yoshida spoke about his desire to implement Magitek armor as a type of mount at some point. Longtime Final Fantasy fans will remember the Magitek armor as the two-legged mech suits that featured prominently in the opening of Final Fantasy VI. That is something that won’t come until the new version of FF XIV is released, however, and the beta for that should begin for Japan next September.
Changes will also be made to the classes of FF XIV, and the rather obtuse naming conventions for the classes will revert to more standard Final Fantasy fare. This means that conjurers will become white mages and the thaumaturges will be known as black mages. A dragoon class is going to be added, but it is unclear if this is a wholly new class or an adjustment to the existing lancer class. Yoshida is not sure if the dragoon will be given a wyvern pet as it was in Final Fantasy XI, but stated that if such a pet was included, the dragoon would be made weaker for balancing. In another surprising announcement, players will no longer level their classes through grinding experience points from enemies, but instead will gain xp from completing quests, which is definitely a page from the “WoW handbook”.