I still don't think we'll see anything until 2013. I know that Microsoft usually releases product quickly after reveal, but I think they'd want to see exactly what the Nintendo Wii U has to offer before pushing a system out the door.
Rumors of the Next Xbox Point to 2012?
The codename is "Loop". Or "Project Ten".

With Nintendo already putting their hat in for the next console race, it was only a matter of time for some official-sounding information about the next machine from Microsoft. Considering that the Xbox 360 is now six years old (two years older than the Xbox was before getting replaced), development of a new console has been a foregone conclusion. But today, two tidbits of slightly conflicting information have come out regarding the future of the Xbox console front.
According to MSNerd, the next Xbox is codenamed “loop”, and will be integrating elements similar to the Zune HD, among other things. “With a heady mix of rumors, tips and speculation, I am now stating that Xbox codename “loop” (the erstwhile XboxTV) will indeed debut a modified Win9 core,” said the blogger. “It will use a Zune HD-like hardware platform—a “main” processor with multiple dedicated assistive cores for graphics, AI, physics, sound, networking, encryption and sensors. It will be custom-designed by Microsoft and two partners based on the ARM architecture. It will be cheaper than the 360, further enabling Kinect adoption. And it will be far smaller than the 360. It will also demonstrate how Windows Phone could possible implement Win9’s dev platform on the lower end.”
However, on the latest edition of the Windows Weekly podcast, tech reporter Paul Thurrott calls the next Xbox “Project Ten”. He says that he has heard that the console is planned for a 2012 holiday release. This comes as a surprise, as recently it was reported that chip manufacturers and middleware firms were expecting the system to hit in 2013. It’s all rumors and speculation at this point, but all signs point to some interesting news coming down the pipeline.
Thurrott went on to say that the new system is supposed to be “all metro”, referring to the unified interface that Microsoft has been implementing amongst its different devices. He likened it to the “Apple route”, where all Apple devices talk to each other and share common interface elements. It certainly fits in with MSNerd’s “loop” codename, as a loop between different devices could be what Microsoft is striving for with the next generation.
We will of course update with all the upcoming news on the new consoles, as we head into the new year.