Skyrim Getting a Full Suite of Modding Tools
Bethesda is also looking into those patch problems.

What would a major RPG release from Bethesda be without a few glitches? Though Skyrim has released to rave reviews across the board, the game has not been without its problems. A patch went out earlier this week for PC and consoles, but it looks like the patch not only hasn’t fixed the framerate problems in the PS3 version, but now there’re a ton of new problems.
Some of the new issues can be filed under “typical Bethesda jankiness”, like dragons that fly backwards. But some of the bugs are pretty serious, like the special shout abilities not working, and magic resistance for your character being completely nonexistent.
It’s not all bad news, however. According to the Bethesda Blog, January will see the release of the development tools that were used to create Skyrim. While there have already been various mods, this Creation Kit will allow players to create major content for the game. Bethesda will be releasing a new Wiki as well as instructional videos for getting started with the modding tools.
In addition, the Creation Kit will work with something called the Steam Workshop. This will make it easy for players to find user generated content, and the Workshop will make it possible to upload mods to the site with no hassles. Bethesda also has another title update that is due out next week which should hopefully fix some of the issues with the 1.2 patch. After the holidays, the plan is to pump out steady updates to the game, either through complete title updates or smaller tweaks. Bethesda says these updates will likely release on PC first, with the consoles getting them shortly thereafter.
If for some reason you have not patched your copy of Skyrim, you may want to wait until next week.