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First Vita Clone Hits the Streets

Attack of the poorly made clones!

The Sony PlayStation Vita hasn’t even been released in its home country of Japan, yet it already has clones popping up in China.  The Yinlips YDPG18 is the latest in a long line Sony handheld knockoffs to be produced in China.  The device is powered by Android and sports a 5-inch touchscreen display with a 800 x 480 resolution (which differs greatly from the Vita’s 5-inch OLED 960 x 544 display), a single analog nub, front and back cameras and is notably missing some version of the Vita’s rear touch panel.

Understandably the Yinlips will not be able to play Vita games, but it does support two features that the Vita does not – a micro SD card slot and a mini HDMI port.

The device comes in two colors (black and white) and is selling for $125.95 on iShareGifts where it states that the machine emulates "NES, SNES, GB/GBC/GBA, Mega Drive, MAME, N64, PSX, Flash 10.x games.” The site also indicates that device uses some cutting edge technology in the form of a “Gravity Sensor.”




Esteban Cuevas Staff Alumnus

12/14/2011 at 09:58 AM

Gravity Sensor? Is that suppose to be like an accelerometer?

Nick DiMola Director

12/14/2011 at 10:12 AM

I'm pretty sure we don't need a gravity sensor in anything. Do things still fall downward? OK - gravity sensed.

Vic Roman Staff Alumnus

12/14/2011 at 10:44 AM

They should start calling products "gravity compatible" to show that they are built to work within Earth's gravitational pull.

Jesse Miller Staff Writer

12/14/2011 at 10:46 AM

I imagine that this device was designed for use by astronauts - a very limited audience that still likes to play two generation old games on a Vita look-alike device.

Angelo Grant Staff Writer

12/14/2011 at 10:59 AM

I had a white DSlite originally, and I can tell you that it's a really bad idea to choose that color for a portable device. It starts looking pretty dingy really fast.

Also, this is stupid. My phone can emulate that crap without breaking a sweat.


12/14/2011 at 12:49 PM

i was actually excited about this, until Miller delivered the tech specs. Basically for half the price you get half (less than??) the machine.

Jason Ross Senior Editor

12/14/2011 at 10:42 PM

This looks more like a PSP clone, to me. I'm happy enough having an Android phone, though.

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