Visceral Games Working On Jack The Ripper?
A trademark and a July blog post hint heavily at the Dead Space and Daunte's Infenro developer's next project being related to the 19th century serial killer.

EA recently registered two trademarks that tease a possible Jack the Ripper video game, according to superannuation.
This leads more credence to a July L.A. Times blog post in which the writer Ben Fritz head from two different sources that EA and Visceral Games are working on a game based on Jack the Ripper, the famed 19th century serial killer.
Visceral Games, formerly EA Redwood Shores, just saw their most recent game, Dead Space: Extraction (Wii), release, and are currently working on Daunte's Inferno (Xbox 360, PS3), which is set to come out in early 2010. If the rumors are true, Jack the Ripper would probably be a late 2010/early 2011 release.