Whoa wait a minute, this just snuck up on me because I recognized the name Tribes when I heard it, but I had no idea that this is what it is. This looks gorgeous, and it looks like it's built on the Halo Reach engine, but it can't be. That environment art in the areas they showed look just like Forge World, it's amazing. Most importantly it looks like a lot of fun. The movement looks great, fights look frantic, levels look huge, guns look like fun to shoot, looks just like the Reach engine, and it's free-to-play? How the hell didn't I know about this sooner lol?
Tribes Beta Goes Public This Friday
We look forward to seeing you on the killing fields.

Hi-Rez Studios’ Tribes: Ascend has been in a closed beta long enough for 300,000 players to take the new online multiplayer through its paces. But that wasn’t enough, as the beta will be opened up to all comers tomorrow, February 24 at 5pm GMT.
In addition to all the bells and whistles available in the closed beta, a patch will be released in advance that will include new gameplay types, maps and items. Those that have already been enjoying the closed beta can game on without any worry that they’ll lose any of their previously earned upgrades as all progress will be preserved.
“The Tribes: Ascend Closed Beta has exceeded our expectations,” said Tod Harris, Hi-Rez Studios CEO in a press release. “Over 300,000 players participated in the closed beta and the game has improved greatly based on community feedback.”
Certain PixlBit staff members will be participating in this Open Beta – we look forward to seeing you on the killing field.