Atlus Starts a Demon's Souls Wiki
Due to the game's enormous challenge, Atlus has the wheels turning on a wiki that needs players input.

Early reports indicate that Demon's Souls is hard: real hard. As such, Atlus has started up a wiki to help players along in the game.
The wiki will serve as a place for players to share information and techniques to help conquer the extremely challenging title.
According to Atlus' Marketing Manager, Robyn Mukai, "Demon's Souls is a game of shared learning [and] a game that engenders community and cooperation."
She goes on to say that "the challenges that lie ahead in the Kingdom of Boletaria will be easier to overcome if we all work together, so we're asking anyone with something to contribute to please come forth, create an entry or expand an existing one, and join the effort to deliver the Kingdom of Boletaria from its terrible curse!"