I am both excited, and apprehensive, at this news.
Baldur's Gate Getting Enhanced
Both BioWare classics are getting a new lease on life.

PC gaming has a long and storied history, but it’s one that is notoriously difficult to curate. Trying to play games from even just 7 years ago can be a struggle with new machines, and even gaming portals like Steam can’t guarantee that the older games you purchase will work well on your rig. It’s fortunate for PC gamers old and new, then, that two of the most beloved PC RPGs of all time are getting a full-on upgrade for modern computers. That’s right, dungeon crawlers—Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate II are coming back in a big way.
The news was revealed after a cryptic countdown timer began recently. Overhaul Games is the studio in charge of a complete, ahem, overhaul of the acclaimed RPGs. A relatively new team comprised of many ex-BioWare developers, Overhaul includes people that worked on these games the first time around.
Details are limited, but the announcement states that these games will be “enhanced,” using a “re-forged” version of the Infinity Engine. The announcement goes on to state that modern improvements will be included, but what form those improvements could take is unknown.
While it’s still possible to track down copies of the original Baldur’s Gate games, they have been notoriously difficult to get working properly on newer computers. Popular web PC portal Good Old Games has offered versions of these games that are optimized to run on recent machines and free of DRM restrictions, but the Enhanced versions of the games should prove to go far beyond even this service. We will keep you updated as release info and screenshots become available.