A Christmas Carol Coming to DS
The game is being designed by Broken Sword creator Charles Cecil.

Along with the upcoming movie adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic, A Christmas Carol, a video game of the same premise is also awaiting release.
In fact, the game is being designed by Charles Cecil, a man best known for his work on Broken Sword. According to Cecil he wanted to tell the classic story in a different way. Cecil stated, “The approach I took was to place the player as the hand of fate, guiding a very willful protagonist down the road to redemption, and he doesn't want to down that road at all. Players have to interact with people and the environment to make that happen, and it tells the story in really different way. I'm very happy with it."
Cecil’s own voice will be featured as the game’s narration, although he jokes that the only reason for this is because “the Americans” had insisted upon it.
A Christmas Carol, published by Disney, is currently only confirmed for the DS, and will release on November 3 to coincide with the release of the movie.