Grabbed Monsters and Racer, already had Eden and Shooter. Still like Eden and Shooter better, but they're all pretty good.
Huge PixelJunk Sale Today On PSN
An event for the upcoming PixelJunk 4am was also announced.

Q-Games is celebrating its ten year anniversary and the five year anniversary of the PixelJunk series with a blowout sale on PixelJunk games. Starting today for one week, PixelJunk Racers, PixelJunk Monsters, PixelJunk Eden, and PixelJunk Shooter will be one dollar, while PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe, PixelJunk Shooter 2 and PixelJunk SideScroller will be half price.
In addition, after the sale is over, the new PixelJunk title, 4am, will be released. To promote the new title, an event open to the community (who are 21 and older) will be hosted tomorrow, Thursday, May 10 from 6:00PM to 9:00PM at the Harlot in San Francisco. The first 75 attendees will get a free copy of the game when it's released on May 15.
The announcement on the PlayStation Blog also includes a brief history on Q-Games and the PixelJunk series. A trailer promoting the sale can be seen below: