Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown Coming Soon
Take the fight online on PSN and XBLA in June.

Remember Virtua Fighter 5? The game came out just a little too early to capitalize on the new fighting game boom that Street Fighter IV kicked off. Sega’s highly technical fighter had a lot of positive buzz among critics but never quite found an audience at release, with the PS3 version famously lacking in online play. Flash forward a few years and Sega is ready to take another stab at the game in a different format. Virtua Fighter 5 is coming to PSN and XBLA with some new features, and it’s coming soon.
This digital version of the fighting game contains all of the features that were previously available on the retail discs, including the detailed tutorial mode and the staggering array of unlockable customization items. Ranking up and earning gear will allow you to deck out your fighter of choice, making him or her almost unrecognizable at a quick glance. Online play, which wasn’t quite ready for primetime in 2007, is of course present in this version, which should be key to the game finding a larger audience.
The entire roster from VF 5 is back, with a couple new additions. Taka-Arashi makes a return—his first appearance since his debut in Virtua Fighter 3. Joining him is a new character named Jean Kujo, a karate practitioner.
You can download Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown on June 5 for PSN and June 6 for XBLA. The game will sell for $14.99, or 1200 Microsoft points. Character customization DLC will be available day one. You can either buy a specific character’s items (if you specialize in one or two characters) for $4.49 (400 MSP), or purchase two combo packs for a total of $12.99 (1200 MSP).