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Mounted Combat Coming to Skyrim

Unfortunately we still won't be able to fly dragons.

If something has been missing from Skyrim, it’s the ability to strike down your enemies from atop a majestic steed.  It seems that the folks at Bethesda were aware of this and have addressed this issue in the next update – 1.6.

The update will allow players to engage in melee and ranged combat whilst riding a horse.  Unfortunately players still will not be able to take to the air on the back of a dragon, but we trust that Bethesda is hard at work on this future update.

As with most updates, 1.6 also addresses a host of bugs.  A complete list of these bug fixes and tweaks can be viewed at the developer’s official blog

The update will be supplied for free and is available now for PC users that elected to take part in the Steam Beta Update.  No date has been released for remaining platforms, but we’ll let you know as soon as we hear anything.



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