Ubisoft Reveals Splinter Cell: Blacklist
The action-heavy sequel to Conviction is coming in spring 2013.

During Microsoft's E3 Press Conference, Ubisoft pulled the cover off of their latest endeavor in the Splinter Cell series, Blacklist. Once again featuring Sam Fisher, players will find themselves embroiled in a Middle Eastern conflict, wherein Sam is in control of an operative group. The title, which is only known to be coming to the Xbox 360 at this time (though likely coming to other systems as well) will be available spring 2013.
Based on the video reveal, it seems clear that Blacklist will be similar to the last title in the series, Conviction. Action-heavy gameplay will have players on a linear path, swiftly disposing of enemies on an open battlefield. Bullet-time like effects will allow players to eliminate threats in slow motion, and some of the signature gear we've seen in the past like X-Ray visors and under-the-door scopes.
For the first time ever, the series will integrate Kinect functionality, allowing players to taunt enemies with their voice to get their attention. Stay tuned for more information when Ubisoft fully discloses what they have in store for Splinter Cell: Blacklist.