PSP Minis Pricing Not Set By Sony
Today SCEA steps in to set the facts straight regarding the price point of PSP Mini titles.

The beginning of October marked the official launch of the PSP Minis, however many consumers were a bit shocked at the price points.
The general price range for the PSP Minis will run consumers between $4.99 and $9.99, and many people have been complaining about the high prices for certain games. Tetris for example, will cost consumers $9.99. Many people have pointed out that this same title, available in other handheld formats such as for the iPhone, only costs $4.99, which is half the price.
However, today Sony Computer Entertainment of America stepped in to explain why the prices of certain titles cost what they do. According to SCEA, they themselves do not set the price points for the PSP Minis. In fact, as stated by Sony’s Eric Lempel, “the publisher of the title sets the pricing.” Therefore Sony has absolutely no ability to set a competitive price for a game, even though a particular title may be cheaper if purchased on another platform.