Pre-Order Bonus Options Galore for DJ Hero
Choose from six different pre-order bonus' offered by six different retailers.

Pre-order bonuses come in many forms these days; art books, soundtracks, dolls, downloadable content, etc, and most are only available through one retailer.
However with the upcoming release of Activision's DJ Hero, gamers anticipating to buy the title may feel a bit overwhelmed when they find out that there are six different pre-order bonus' to choose from depending on which of six different locations they purchase the game from. Here's a detailed breakdown of what each retailer is offering: $10 gift card for electronics.
Best Buy- A free code which will unlock a Daft Punk level.
GameCrazy - An exclusive turntable slipmat.
For the next set of retailers the pre-order bonus' are only offered if consumers purchase a copy of DJ Hero Renegade Edition, which comes bundled with the DJ Hero game, the Renegade Turntable Controller featuring premium metal controls and finish, a hardshell turntable carrying case which will convert to a performance-ready DJ stand, and an Exclusive JAY-Z and EMINEM 2-CD pack which features unreleased tracks in a collectible case designed by artist Shepard Fairey.
Gamestop- Receive two free playable song downloads. Receive a $5 credit towards the music tracks that inspired the music for DJ Hero.
Guitar Hero Store- Receive free two-day shipping.