yikes...to NY!?! well I guess that means I may see you all if I get a shot at going to the NY comic con >.>
Upcoming Site Outage - March 2, 2013
Due to the move, the site will go down for just a few short hours tomorrow morning.

Howdy everyone! To start, I just wanted to say a quick sorry for my absence over the past couple days. It's been quite hectic in the DiMola household as we are in the process of making a cross country move from Florida to New York. Believe it or not, packing and moving a whole house with two small children is not the easiest thing in the world to do. Thankfully though, this part of our voyage is now complete. The next step, while the easiest for my family, is going to cause a small hiccup for you folks.
As you know, PixlBit is a "Mom and Pop" shop, which means we actually host the site out of our home rather than host it remotely (what can I say, it's cheap). The result of all this? We're yanking the server out of the closet and carrying it on the plane.
The site is going to be down for roughly 7 hours, starting at 5AM tomorrow (3/2/13) morning. By noon, I expect things to be up and running with no hiccups (let's all cross our fingers).
I apologize for the outage and I hope you guys aren't too upset. I just didn't want to take down the site without any notice and leave everyone scratching their heads. Once the site is back up, I'll be sure to leave another message letting everyone know that everything is a-ok.
Thanks everyone!