I actually never played duck tales, but i am excited. Now I have a reason to go and play it, right now.
DuckTales: Remastered is a Thing That's Happening

PAX East just kicked off today in Boston, but we may already have born witness to what may be the event’s biggest announcement. Capcom has announced that they will be resurrecting one of the most beloved platformers of all time. That’s right, DuckTales is making a comeback this year.
DuckTales: Remastered is a collaborative effort between Capcom (publisher of the original 1989 release) and Wayforward Technologies and will be released this summer on XBLA, PSN and the Wii U (presumably on the eShop).
Considering the game’s cult status, I imagine that this news will be well received within the PixlBit community. Heck, only a few weeks ago community member Aboboisdaman had posted an entire blog on the game.
Check out the trailer posted above and let us know your thoughts on this announcement!