I got 11.41 days!
Feel Even More Overwhelmed by Your Steam Backlog
You are e-Sisyphus.

It seems like we’re all battling our backlogs these days, and with the Steam Summer Sale fast approaching, things are only going to get worse. Well, NeoGAF forum member SenseiJinx has provided us with a way to gauge how long it will take to complete our Steam catalogs.
Making no promises of accuracy, and intended to be purely for fun, SenseiJinx’s tool provides you with the amount of time it will take you to finish all the games you have in your Steam library. You just have to enter your Steam profile ID (it must be set to be public) and it will create an estimate. Maybe this is just the thing to keep you from going overboard when those sweet deals start rolling in.
The tool can be found here. Just enter your profile’s URL (for example, http://steamcommunity.com/id/YOURSTEAMUSERID) and click the “Enlighten me!” button. Post how big your estimated backlog is in the comments and let’s see who needs to go on a sabbatical to really make some headway.