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Celebrating 9 Years of PixlBit

... and here's to 9 more!

It appears PixlBit's anniversary is upon us once again! This time we celebrate the site's final year in the single digits; trucking forward towards a full decade of PixlBit. Looking back, it's been a chaotic and interesting ride full of ups and downs. Over the past few years, I'll admit, it's been generally quiet around here. But with a new year of PixlBit beginning, I feel a renewed drive to push content out to you, our faithful fans and readers. Even in the times where the staff has been quiet, all of you have managed to keep PixlBit afloat with your blogs and comments and strong sense of community. Without you folks, I doubt I'd have the fortitude to continue on after all these years.

With this new resolve, it's my goal to finally deliver on a new version of PixlBit as has been promised for many years. The site is aging and is largely the same as it was when we launched many years ago. In the meantime, the internet has changed; sites work on all form factors, they load quickly and efficiently and they're more dynamic than ever before. While this version of PixlBit has served us well, it's time for an updated, more modern experience to replace it that more strongly features all of the things that makes PixlBit a great place: namely, the community.

Over the next few months I'll be picking back up development of PixlBit 3.0 and hope that by the new year (and, most importantly, BaD) there will be something to show for all of that work. It's going to be a long road, but I know that the end result will be worth the effort.

Furthermore, I'd also like to continue delivering content and taking PixlBit off life support and make it the active site it once was. For those of you out there that would like to be a part of PixlBit's staff, don't hesitate to reach out, as I'd love to have you as a part of the team. For the rest of you in the community, please keep doing what you do to make this a great place. Also, if you're so inclined, a number of people have already joined our Discord, but feel free to stop in and chat. It adds a little something extra to talk in real time and share our latest gaming experiences.

Thanks again to everyone for sticking with us and making the last 9 years of PixlBit something special. Join me in the comments below in wishing PixlBit a happy birthday.



Travis Hawks Senior Editor

09/24/2018 at 02:25 PM

Congrats, Nick & Chessa!

I loved my time writing and editing for the site and the recent revival of reviews has been exciting to see! I love checking back in on everyone's blogs too.

Now to read my 2000 messages...

Blake Turner Staff Writer

09/24/2018 at 02:47 PM

Congrats! I love this site so much, thank you for fostering this amazing community. Your reviews recently have been really awesome and I'm glad they'll keep going. I should write more for this site. Do reviews and such. I haven't really done anything since becoming a member of staff. It's difficult to blog or write articles when all you have is a phone, but hopefully the new version of the site will make it easier. I've been working on a piece about how Soulsborne has become less experimental over the years and as such less interesting to me. Maybe I should make it an actual article rather than a blog. 

Cary Woodham

09/24/2018 at 03:50 PM

Congratulations!  I've been in the game reviewing biz for more than 20 years, so I know that having a site online for 9 years is a real reason to celebrate.  Not very many sites last that long!  Heck, I was only at The Dallas Morning News for five years (but what a ride it was).  Pretty soon you'll have been around longer than!

I'd totally write for PixlBit if it wasn't for the fact that I write for  I know I could do both, but with a full time job, I don't want to spread myself too thin.  Plus if I wanted to move away from GamerDad, I think my next step would be to have my own site.  Know what I mean, Vern?

Good luck with the site updates!  I hope it doesn't make PIxlBit shut down too long!  I really enjoy this site!  Thanks for having us!

Super Step Contributing Writer

09/24/2018 at 05:09 PM

Look forward to the updates. Happy birthday, Pixlbit!


09/24/2018 at 06:33 PM

Thanks for providing such a welcoming space.  I really need to staert blogging again, but I wasn't gaming much until recently and didnt feel like I had all that much to contribute.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

09/24/2018 at 09:01 PM

Pixlbit has been my oasis since 1Up went the way of the dodo. Although I haven’t written a review here in quite some time, I still want to contribute as much as I can. I love this place and I hope it sticks around.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/25/2018 at 05:26 PM

Congrats Nick!!  I love pixlbit.  I would like to create more content, but I’ve realized im not a good reviewer. Maybe i can write more regular articles or something. Thanks so much for providing a place for us!!

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

09/25/2018 at 07:30 PM

We're like 90 in internet years. Let's keep this going.

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