Oddworld Coming to PSN and Steam
A recent interview with Lorne Lanning discusses the release of Oddworld titles for PSN and Steam, along with the future of the series.

Recently Bitmob.com had the opporutunity to sit down and talk with President and Co-Founder of Oddworld Inhabitants, Lorne Lanning.
During the interview, Lanning revealed that the Oddworld series will soon be coming to the Playstation Network and Steam.
Just last week Lanning signed the contract for the first two additions coming to PSN: Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. Apparently players can expect to see both of these titles up very soon.
The digital distribution service Steam will also be receiving the previously two mentioned titles along with two additional Oddworld titles, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath and Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. They will release this winter, and for gamers desiring all four titles, a four pack titled the Oddbox will be available for purchase.
Towards the end of the interview Lanning was asked about the future of the Oddworld series. He replied, "Oddworld is a creation that we’ll likely never sell or part with… So yes, we will be seeing more from Oddworld." He goes on to elaborate, "Regarding new material, we hope to have an announcement soon, but I’ve been saying that for awhile now so I’ll just shut up and hope for the best."
With hope of a new Oddworld title possibly in development, Lanning was asked how he felt about motion control to which he replied, "They're interesting, but not something that compels me to design for them. The online social medium is far more interesting at this period in time, and so the idea of limiting yourself to any one controller device or console is something we aren’t that interested in."
The full interview contains plenty of information to satisfy Oddworld fans, so check it out over at Bitmob.