DSi-Exclusive Game Cases Explained
Storm City Games' System Flaw will be the first game to show off the whiteness of DSi exclusivity.

While at VGXPO 2009 in Philadelphia, Lauren and I checked out the first DSi-exclusive retail release, System Flaw.
The game uses the DSi in some cool ways, but Ryan Harbinson, product specialist from developer Storm City Games, detailed the new look of the case, and joked that Nintendo forced them to delay the game a month because the case wasn't ready.
DSi-exclusive cases and game cards will be white, similar to the white color the Wii uses for its cases. There will also be two big notifications that it is just for DSi. There will be a red strip at the bottom, and a red circle on the top left.
System Flaw breaks in the look when it launches on October 27.