If they do decide to make Z.O.E. 3, it would be great if they reprinted the first 2 games of the series. They could do it like Sony is doing with God of War 1 and 2 on a bluray added with a few enhancements.
Kojima Wants to Make a New Zone of the Enders
In a recent interview, Hideo Kojima states that making a new Zone of the Enders title is at "the top of his list."

In a recent interview with CVG, Hideo Kojima discusses the finer details about Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker, and how a new Zone of the Enders is at the "top of his list" for games he wants to make.
Kojima followed up his desire to make another Zone of the Enders title by stating, "We, the team at Kojima productions, love Zone of the Enders, and we always want to create on the next gen as well."
However, Kojima did make sure to add that while they would love to make another Zone of the Enders, and it definitely is in consideration, there are other titles that must be finished first. "Kojima production has a long list of things that we want to bring out and of course Zone of the Enders is on the top of the list. However, we have to manage staffing and work around other projects. Therefore it's not going to be out too soon, but we are really considering it."
Zone of the Enders is a series based around mecha combat (fighting with giant machines) and was first release by Konami in 2001 for the PS2. Since then, the series has seen two additions, Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner (PS2), and Zone of the Enders: The First of Mars (GBA).