Shin Megami Tensai: Imagine Rated by ESRB
There's still no official release date, but the process is moving along.

Recently, a post on the ESRB's website was found stating that the Megaten MMO, Shin Megami Tensai: Imagine, has officially been rated for release in North America.
The game has been announced for release in North America for a while now, with American players even having the opportunity to try out the Beta last December.
Shin Megami Tensai: Imagine, is an MMO for the PC, set in the same universe as the popular console titles. It features demon summoning, and demon negotiating, similar to many other titles in the series. The game is set within a universe where the world has been overrun by demons; however the humans and demons have learned to coexist with one another the best they can. Players assume the role of a "Demon Buster" who fights and interacts with the demons.
Shin Megami Tensai: Imagine has never required a monthly subscription fee, rather there are items in the game which players can purchase with real currency. Since the specific details regarding the title's North American release still haven't been ironed out, there is no word as of yet if this same system will be used or if a monthly fee will be implemented.
There has still been no official release date confirmed for Shin Megami Tensai: Imagine, however it is now rated "T" for Teen and will be coming to the PC.