Yesssssss. I love Loco Roco! Time to talk to Sony about getting a review copy of this beast.
LocoRoco Midnight Carnival North American Release Date Announced
A US Playstation Blog post reveals the release date, and discusses other details about the game.

In a recent post on the US Playstation Blog, Tsubasa Inaba, producer at SCEA Santa Monica, announced the North American release date of LocoRoco Midnight Carnival for PSP.
Gamers planning on purchasing the title can expect sixteen brand-new stages, two mini-games, three bonus stages, and a full competitive and co-op mode. Also reported in the blog post was the implementation of the "Boing" mechanism. Inaba didn't go on to elaborate as to what that does exactly, he merely stated the "Boing" mechanism will "[add] even more fun and challenge to the game. It will keep you on your toes and keep your palms pretty sweaty."
Another addition to LocoRoco Midnight Carnival is costume items, which will allow players to put masks, hats, accessories, and whole outfits on their characters. While many of these accessories are merely for entertainment value, some do affect gameplay. The Savior Mask, for example, allows one player, in a co-op scenario, to carry the other through a potentially difficult section of the level, thus saving them the hassle of completing it themselves.
LocoRoco Midnight Carnival will release in North America on October 29, and will be available for download on the PSP through the PSN network for a price of $14.99.