I freakin' love Perfect Dark. Having it with some crisper graphics and a better framerate is going to be absolutely awesome. I must say though, it would've been nice to play the game with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk... oh well.
Rare Releases Perfect Dark XBLA Screen
The company releases one screen in celebration of their 500th tweet on Twitter with a promise of more on the way.

There still isn't a set release date for the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade port of Rare's Nintendo 64 shooter Perfect Dark, but a new screen was released on the company's Twitter account.
The tweet said: "500th tweet, before Gregg fleetingly reappears from the ether to claim it: have a new PD XBLA screenshot, more soon!"
Perfect Dark for XBLA will feature updated graphics, HD resolution, four-player local multiplayer, online multiplayer, and leaderboards.