People get "offended" over everything lately. If you don't like it, keep your damn mouth shut and don't play it.
Dante's Inferno Under Criticism ... Again
This time it's not for an advertising campaign, but rather an achievement in the game.

Dante's Inferno has seemingly been on a crash-course with controversy since it was first announced. Whether it be from angry activists or sending journalists a check, EA has sought to offend and upset to keep their upcoming title in the public eye.
With the game still not released, the achievements featured in the games have also garnered an uproar. This time, the International Nanny Association (INA), is upset over the "Bad Nanny" achievement. The achievement is awarded when players kill an unbaptized baby. The INA felt that this portrays nannies in a bad light and conflicts with their goal of "promot[ing] and educat[ing] the public regarding the selfless work nannies do to support families."
While the achievement may be considered distasteful by some, it matches the theme of the game, and won't likely be apologized for by EA.