Good job there Microsoft, always looking out for your customers in the way of unnecessary gouging. If developers want to release free content for their games then they should be able to. The negligible price of hosting that content on Microsoft's servers should be covered by that $50 fee Gold members are forced to pay.
Left 4 Dead DLC Dated
Unlike the first batch of content from Valve's cooperative shooter, this pack will cost 360 users $7.

Left 4 Dead's second downloadable content pack, Crash Course, is hitting Xbox 360 and PC on September 29. On PC, it will be free, but on 360, it will cost 560 Microsoft Points ($7).
The levels take place between the Left 4 Dead campaigns No Mercy, which ended with the infected-killing quartet escaping in a helicopter, and Death Toll, which began with the gang roaming through a highway littered with abandoned cars. The pack includes an all-new campaign, survival maps, and a streamlined version of the Versus mode.