Well hopefully it's even half as gorgeous as Toki.
Golgoth Remaking Another Arcade Classic
In a recent interview, Golgoth talks about their latest project.

Early last week it was announced that the original arcade title Toki would be getting a revival for XBLA and PC thanks to the new French company, Golgoth. Due to another recent announcement, it doesn't seem as though Toki is going to be the only arcade title Golgoth plans to bring back.
In a recent interview with Gamasutra, Golgoth's Anthony De Sa Ferreira revealed that, while looking for the licensor of Toki, one of their Japanese contacts revealed that they held the rights to yet another of Data East's IPs. After "studying each license", Golgoth officially signed an agreement with G-Mode to develop yet another title. According to De Sa Ferreira, "It's also an old Data East license," although he continues to state, "I can't really say the name of the game right now."
As of yet, Golgoth has only progressed with the title as far as creating a brand new design for the main characters, however De Sa Ferreira was willing to share one bit of information regarding the secret game. Apparently the title is a co-op platformer game, but when it came to any more details, De Sa Ferreira simply stated, " I can't say more yet."