I'll believe it when I see it.
Demos Coming to WiiWare
According to a recent Q&A with Iwata, Nintendo will be testing the possibility of bringing demos to WiiWare.

During a recent Q&A briefing, Satoru Iwata discussed the market for WiiWare and DSiWare titles, as well as a future idea that may increase interest in both.
According to IGN, Iwata stated that the market for both DSiWare titles and WiiWare titles is currently very small, as most people do not browse through the available titles since they usually know exactly what they want before entering either of the two stores.
In order to bring more users, and gain attention, Iwata announced that Nintendo will be starting a test program for WiiWare titles during some point in November. Though a good idea, Iwata admits that he doesn't think that this will be a solution to the problem.
Currently there is no official announcement or starting point for the project. Whether or not the demos will be exclusive to Japan is also unknown at this point in time.