Interesting, I'm curious to know what this could be. I unlike most actually enjoyed Too Human. It wasn't GOTY material or anything like that, but I thought it was solid. Of course, I love their other work, so anything they could be concocting will likely be up my alley.
Silicon Knights Developing The Box?
An online resume leaves the gaming world to speculate.

According to a recently discovered curriculum vitae by CVG, it appears as though Silicon Knights may be hard at work on a brand new title.
On the resume of Zhang Shao-Yong, there is a listing for tasks he completed while working for Silicon Knights. One of those listed, is for a game title The Box, for which he completed "visual effects, such as the application of particle and material performance of explosions, smoke, water, fire, weather and so on." It is important to note this document has been translated using google translator, so the actual wording may be a bit inaccurate.
Back in 2008 CVG conducted a video interview with Silicon Knights in which they stated, "The next game that we're going to announce, not including the sequels to the trilogy, it's nothing like anything else we've ever made before."
Silicon Knights has yet to provide an official statement regarding the rumors.