Nintendo Loses Lawsuit Over R4 Cart?
The courts have decided that Nintendo can not stop the production of the cart regardless of its piracy implications.

Back in October of this year, Nintendo and 54 other DS software manufacturers filed a lawsuit against four different sellers of the R4 flash cartridge device for the DS.
The plaintiffs stated that the device was promoting piracy, and sought damages to compensate for losses attributed to the sales of the R4 flash cartridge.
According to Maxconsole, the trial, which took place in the highest court of Paris France, is over and to the dismay of Nintendo and the other plaintiffs, the ruling was not in their favor. Apparently the judge stated that Nintendo and others are forcibly barring individuals from producing content for their system, a task that should be available to anyone similar to developing a title for Windows.
As Maxconsole notes, this decision is highly significant, as the courts have deemed the cartridges legal. However it should be noted that any official documentation regarding the news was not presented, although the site claims to have official court documents on the way.