More Games Released in 2009 Than 2008
Though more, the amount is minimal.

The latest EEDAR GamePulse Report has revealed that in 2009, a total of seven more games were released to retail shelves that in 2008.
This year, 1,099 games saw release compared to last years 1,092. According to Jesse Divinich, this is bad for games because the retail shelf space has not increased to match the larger number of games. Furthermore, games like Modern Warfare 2 which have started to release yearly occupying shelves for long time periods limiting space and time for many smaller titles.
If this trend continues into 2010, Divinich predicts that this will hurt the industry because gamers won't invest in as many games. However, Divinich believes that next year due to the consolidation seen in the industry and the increase in digital distribution, the number of retail titles will decrease.