*sigh* Us poor Wii rockers... we don't get to import RB1 or track packs and now this.
Latest Rock Band 2 Update Adds Rock Band Network Support
The title update, currently only available for Xbox 360, adds the Rock Band Network Audition mode, the ability to sort by stars, and more.

The newest update for Rock Band 2 was released today for Xbox 360 with a PlayStation 3 release coming soon.
According to Harmonix, the update brings about a bunch of refinements and new features.
First, it adds the Rock Band Network Audition mode, which will allow players to test out their Rock Band Network songs when they service is released later this year.
Players can now sort songs by their star rating, a feature long clamored for. Songs bought in the Rock Band Music Store will now download behind the scenes, and the recently released Xbox 360 Wireless Microphone is now compatible with the game.
Chord HOPO (hammer-ons and pull-offs) are also improved, and the Ion Drum Kit now features velocity sensitivity in certain sections.
There was no mention of this update coming to Wii.