Woo home team!
So We're Heading to E3...
Going to California.

As you all know, the week of E3 is upon us. Fortunately, PixlBit will be in attendance with a healthy staff of seven.
Nick, Chessa, Jason Hillhouse, Jason Ross, Chris Mabrey, Phil and Rob DiMola will all be at the show, covering all there is to cover. While most of the coverage will be focused around our hands-on impressions of the games, we intend on producing some other daily features that stray from the typical E3 coverage.
We'll be posting video booth tours courtesy of Jason Hillhouse, Daily Shwag Reports from Chessa, stories and experiences from the road, as well as a slew of pictures and podcasts detailing the journey.
Luke will be the primary constituent of the home team, posting media, and writing news when he has time.
If you have any questions for the staff while we're at the show, send us an email!