It's probably bad that I look at the name and think of "K'nex" the building toy.
Final Name For Project Natal Revealed
Microsoft dubs their motion controller Kinect.

USA Today revealed that the final name for Project Natal is Kinect. In addition to the name reveal, a couple of titles and functions for Microsoft's new peripheral were revealed.
While the peripheral predominately allows a controller free gameplay experience, players will be able to use the Kinect's camera and microphone to perform tasks such as logging into Xbox Live, video chat, and navigating menus using voice commands and various gestures.
Microsoft has unveiled a couple of games for Kinect which include:
Kinectimals, a game that gives players the ability train and play with various animals such as cats, cheetahs, and lions.
Joyride which was originally supposed to be a free Xbox Live Arcade title is now a racing game for Kinect. Players will be able to use their hands as an imaginary steering wheel and their bodies to perform various jumps and tricks.
Kinect Sports, a compilation of six sports which include boxing, bowling, beach volleyball, track and fields, soccer, and table tennis.
Kinect Adventures provides various activities such as a river-raft obstacle course and time trial. Players will have to work together and lean in different ways in order to steer the raft.
MTV Games is developing Dance Central, which will allow players to perform various dance moves similar to the ones that are featured in the show, So You Think You Can Dance.
Finally, Microsoft has also revealed that the company is working with Disney Interactive and LucasArts to create individual games featuring Disney and Star Wars characters.