PS3 Slim Bundles Coming to Europe
While Europe receives two options, the UK gets five of their own.

Late last week Sony Computer Entertainment of Europe confirmed that Europe would be getting their own PS3 slim bundles just in time for the holiday season.
There are two bundles for European PS3 owners to choose from: One containing FIFA 10, and the other, Need For Speed: Shift.
Curiously enough, the UK is receiving their own set of bundles, the first set of which will be released on October 1, packaged with either Infamous, or two unnamed Platinum PS3 titles. A third bundle, set to be released on October 16 will come packaged with Uncharted 2. One final bundle will be released on October 19, containing a copy of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the Blu-Ray edition of The Dark Knight movie, and a remote for watching films.
There is no confirmed price yet for the European PS3 bundles, though Sony Computer Entertainment UK has revealed that the UK bundles will retail for £284.99 ($450).