Join Jason in the hunt for a solid Fourth of July video game.
This week's PB & Jason has a focus on fireworks! Well, maybe not fireworks exactly, but rather the Fourth of July, the USA's Independence Day. Expect to hear of a handful of video games that really get in the July 4th spirit with fireworks and, in the case of Metal Gear Solid 2, convoluted plots! For those of you looking for a little more than holidays, don't worry! I've packed PB & Jason 91 with a lot more, mostly centered around what video games I'd like to see in the future! Spoiler Alert: I mention the Ice Climbers. A lot. There's also some hype for the Zelda: Symphony of the Goddess concert I'll be attending in less than two weeks, as well as a little bit of discussion about a not-so-retro game I'm replaying: Dragon Quest IX. Click through to find listening and download links!
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