It's like ice cream in video game form.
In a world devastated by “The Calamity,” a mysterious and catastrophic event, we find the Bastion, a powerful and mysterious place, and namesake of Supergiant Games' XBLA title. With a small cast, the first acting as the avatar of the player in the world, and is simply known as “The Kid,” Bastion feels like something truly special in the video game world. Part of the reason is the second character Rucks, who doubles as the narrator. Brushing beyond his role for a moment, understand there are only two other real characters in all of Bastion; The Calamity appears to have razed all other human life in the kid's homeland of Caelondia. Don't misunderstand, there are survivors. Unfortunately for the people left, those who survived the Calamity are more of the angry, confused, enemy monster type than they are of the human variety. These monsters remain to assault the kid, but as he begins his journey through the Bastion, Rucks promises completing his quest will help to fix all of Caelondia.
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