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Sonic Colors Hands On Preview

So, having tons of hands on experience through out the years, one of the booths I made sure to get near on the first day was Sega, to view any new Sonic title available.

Let me say this: I was impressed. I'm not the easiest Sonic fan to please, having enjoyed the legacy titles and parts of Sonic Adventure and it's sequel but little else in the franchise.

What does Sonic Colors do so well that hasn't been seen in Sonic games for some time? Try actual platforming, important, somewhat varied enemies, and interactive stage areas with separate, branching paths.

That's right. I just said it was a Sonic game with elements from classic Sonic and the Sonic Adventure games.

The game is played on the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. The stage select screen shows the whole thing looks to happen all on a Space Station, which makes sense, considering the creatures Sonic saves, wisps, look like they're from another planet. All the stages are based on radical environments, for instance the two stages I demoed featured food and treat-based level design, as well as a Space Beach Resort, oddly enough. It seems this time Eggman captured Wisps to power his theme park and robot minions, which probably all doubles as a Trojan Horse.

The Sega reps on the floor particularly wanted me to focus on the fact that the game feels like Sonic Unleashed without the Werehog stages. Personally, I think the segments of the stage where I dodged gigantic rockets, drilled through the ground, and bounced off walls to destroy enemies speak for themselves. While there is a dash button, it's not overpowered like it has been in the more recent titles.

Normally, I approach a Sonic game with cautious optimism. From my hands-on experience, however, Sonic Colors on the Wii could shape up to be a must-buy title this holiday season. Tomorrow or Thursday I'll try to get boss impressons, but they looked gigantic, complex, and fun from my glances. Keep an eye out for more information if you're a Sonic fan, I know I will.



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