- Genre: Fighting
- Description: A prequel to the acclaimed DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY, this installment will feature the entire cast of its predecessor, along with several new additions to do battle in the endless struggle between Cosmos and Chaos. In a world scarred by violent conflict, new warriors have emerged to help restore harmony in the realm, including FINAL FANTASY IV’s Kain Highwind, FINAL FANTASY VII’s Tifa Lockhart, FINAL FANTASY VIII’s Laguna Loire, FINAL FANTASY X’s Yuna and FINAL FANTASY XIII’s Lightning. The new challengers will fight alongside the cast of returning combatants featuring new abilities and customizable options.
- Online Pass: No
- Number of Players: 1-2
- ESRB Rating: ESRB - T for Teen
- Online Play: No
- Developer: Square Enix
- Publisher: Square Enix
- Released On 03/22/2011
- Available On: PSP