- Genre: Fighting
- Description: The authentic team-based combat that has long defined NARUTO comes to the PSP system with Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive, the first game in the popular action-fighting series to feature the collective might of four-player cell co-op combat! Create your ideal team from the many fan-favorite playable characters available, each with their own unique combat arsenal! As battles wage, take your co-op offensives to the next level by engaging the Kizuna Drive combat system, a devastating in-game mechanic that will lay waste to your enemies! And with an all-new, original story, mulitplayer capabilities, tons of collectibles and an opening movie created by the renowned Studio Pierrot, Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive delivers an intense and exhilarating team-based fighting experience!
- Online Pass: No
- Number of Players: 1 - 4
- ESRB Rating: ESRB - T for Teen
- Online Play: No
- Publisher: Bandai Namco Games America Inc.
- Developer: Premium Agency
- Released On 03/22/2011
- Available On: PSP