Sounds like it should be ported to PSN, Xbox Live Arcade and Wiiware, almost. Perhaps I should look into Metal Slug Anthology, then, since I love two player titles.
Metal Slug XX Review
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![]() ![]() On 03/24/2010 at 11:28 PM by Nick DiMola ![]() This rerelease of Metal Slug 7 offers up beautiful new graphics and the ability to play with a friend. |

For fans only. All others interested who don't already own the Anthology should check that one out first.

The Metal Slug series is one that I have often enjoyed with friends in the past. I got my start with the series on the Xbox with Metal Slug 3, and later 4 & 5. Shortly thereafter, the collection was released for the Wii (amongst other systems) and myself and friends dedicated a good amount of time blasting through the entire series. The games were undeniably fun with a second player right by your side. Metal Slug 7 was released last year on the DS and I couldn't bring myself to pick it up without any sort of multiplayer included. I must assume that I was not alone, and as a result, SNK has rereleased the game with some additional content on the PSP as Metal Slug XX.

The PSP rerelease is mostly similar to its DS counterpart, with the exception of two brand new modes. The first and most important, Ad-hoc local multiplayer, which enables people to once again experience the latest Metal Slug game properly. The second is Combat School, which offers players around 70 challenges to test their skills. Combat School is a nice addition to the game, but one that only the most hardcore of Metal Slug fans will appreciate.
As with all Metal Slug games, Metal Slug XX's main draw is its run-'n-gun adventure mode. Those familiar with Metal Slug should already know exactly what they're in for. Players progress from the left side of the screen to the right, blowing away every enemy in sight; all while collecting weapon upgrades from saved POWs and coins spilled upon the death of enemy soldiers and tanks. At this point, SNK has mastered the creation of Metal Slug. The weapons feel great to use, there's great satisfaction in perfectly executing a set of moves, and the bosses and levels are interesting and enjoyable.

The game's slugs are also quite enjoyable to play with. Players encounter new slugs on a fairly regular basis, and they usual come at an extremely helpful time. Without question, piloting the slug is my favorite activity in the game, because naturally, nothing feels better than plowing through enemies with enormous ease.
For those not familiar with the series, be warned: it is brutally hard. This holds especially true for most players who will still likely be playing alone due to no other friends owning the game. Thankfully the game offers multiple difficulty settings, as well as unlimited continues. This ensures that no matter your skill level, you will complete this game. Given its arcade style, players shouldn't expect the quest to last much longer than an hour.

My biggest problem with Metal Slug XX is really the fact that its on the PSP. Being on a handheld system makes it tough to play with friends. Even those who pick up the game need to rely on having someone else in close proximity to enjoy its best aspects. With older entries in the series, players could just boot on the games, hand their friend a controller, and start having fun. This single fact hurts the lastability of the game the most.
Originality is my second issue with the title. Though the game offers a brand new experience, it brings absolutely nothing new to the table. Those who have the Metal Slug Anthology have little to look forward to with Double X. Unless you are an absolute hardcore fan of the series, its unlikely you'll find enough new in this latest entry to make it worth a purchase.
Metal Slug XX is definitely a solid, and enjoyable game that offers gorgeous graphics, and animation, as well as polished gameplay. Unfortunately, the game suffers from being too similar to its predecessors to warrant a purchase for most. Furthermore, being on the PSP, players won't easily be able to enjoy the game co-operatively, which is arguably the best way to play the game. Those who love the series will still find plenty to love here, all others should look to pick up the excellent Anothology that released some years back for both the Wii and PlayStation 2.