All this pushing and pulling reminds me of another Nintendo puzzle game or two…
Pushmo, the first 3DS digital download title from Intelligent Systems, could easily be mistaken for an Art Style game, which are found by the dozen on the Wii and DS shops. Like those games, it takes a simple premise (puzzle-platforming) and graphics and makes an extremely in-depth and meaty experience. The result is one of the best eShop titles available right now, deserving of a download from all 3DS owners.
Cramming every idea into one game does not make it the greatest game.
Dr. Lautrec, a renowned Parisian puzzle-solver, is thrust into the center of a giant mystery that promises to tax your noggin as you seek the rightful heir to the French throne. At least that’s the way the game starts out. As you work to recover enchanted treasures guarded by cops and secretive knights, you end up doing lots of other things that have nothing to do with solving puzzles. Each segment of the game drags in another popular game component and tries to create the perfect combo-game that will appeal to everyone. Problem is, no single piece of Dr. Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights is particularly enjoyable, so the end product feels like a mix of bland, sequential minigames with a repetitive structure.