The PS4 has its Geometry Wars.
Any game where you fly a spaceship and blast aliens has my interest. Factor in the added tension of rescuing humans, though, and I’m pretty much guaranteed to hate it. I’ve tried to play Defender and its ilk for decades, but could never “get it.” From the mind boggling button layout of the original Defender arcade machine to every reimagining and sequel that followed, the execution just didn’t hit me right until Resogun tweaked it all just enough to enable the concept to achieve its full potential.
Venture into a fantastical world that will bore you beyond anything you’ve ever imagined!
The visuals in Defenders of Ardania are pretty OK. And thus ends the discussion of the good things about Defenders of Ardania. Everything else about the game is frustrating, boring, and annoying. You’d be excused for being drawn in by the concept, though. Defenders of Ardania tries to grab some attention in the jam-packed tower defense genre by adding a few elements normally seen only in real time strategy games, but the implementation of these additions make the game a slog.
The final developers diary for Dungeon Defenders, available on October 18 and 19 for the PSN and XBLA.
This Developer Diary shows off the combat in the game.