The first of several cinematic reels from Capcom's upcoming PlayStation Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken.
Capcom's Street Fighter X Tekken promo trailer from their Captivate 2012 event.
Gameplay footage centered on the Tekken characters for the PlayStation Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken.
Gameplay footage centered on the Street Fighter characters for the PlayStation Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken.
Will gamers ever grow up? Are we in need of a revolution?
Once again we heroes from our lofty position up here in the clouds cast judgment upon you lowly mortals. This week we discuss why the video game community often makes us ashamed to be gamers. Between the recent Cross Assault scandal and the review bombing on Meta Critic there’s not a whole lot to be too proud of at the moment. Not all is lost, however; while we are quite critical of the gaming community this week we also make sure to highlight some of the good aspects out there. Still the question remains, will us gamers ever grow up? It may just be time for a revolution.