An augmented reality game that turns the player into a real-life creeper. What could go wrong?
Picking up my pace, trying not to run, but rushing to get safely back home – I glance over my shoulder to see if anything is behind me. I am freaked out. Paranoid. Skittish. I’m not looking for otherworldly critters or anything, I’m worried I might get arrested or -- at best -- confronted by a pissed off neighbor. I’ve been skulking around my neighborhood at odd hours and spending minutes at a time spinning in front of strangers’ homes, occasionally taking pictures. I should be put in the slammer just based on appearances. But really, I’ve just been playing The Hidden and hating every minute.
Sony's taking a cue from Nintendo.
A trailer has revealed that the PlayStation Vita will have an Augmented Reality suite. Several titles are being developed to take advantage of this technology, which is planned to be available at launch. See how it'll work with the trailer below:
The video shows off what Metal Slug could look like using AR technology on Wii U.