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Depths of Fear :: Knossos - Gameplay Trailer

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Koopalings, Airships and Tanookis Oh My! - Mario Mania #3

The finale of the NES trilogy is truly a classic to behold.

The year was 1990. It is about a year before the Super Nintendo makes its debut, but the NES is enjoying brisk sales of both hardware and games. The previous year Nintendo released its first handheld system, the Game Boy, and unleashed the addiction known as Tetris. This was, however, in North America. As I eluded to in Mario Mania #2, a Famicom player often had a different, exclusive set of hardware to play with than his counterpart in North America. The Japan-only accessory, the Famicom Disk System, was one of them. 

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O Snaking, How I Mourn the Loss

Why Mario Kart 7 has me down.

Well, it's official, snaking is officially gone from the Mario Kart series. After Mario Kart Wii, it was up in the air if future iterations would provide players with such ability, but it appears Mario Kart 7 solidifies the permanent omission. As an advocate of snaking, this is a sad day.

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Mario Mania: A Super Mario Bros. Retrospective

Matt takes an in-depth look at each Mario game.

You don’t have to tell me that I am a year late. I already know that. Mario’s 25th Anniversary has already come and gone, and Nintendo’s other big franchise is celebrating its 25th this year: namely, the Legend of Zelda. Yet you already know that by now, so you are probably asking this question right now: “Matt, what the hell? Why are you doing a Mario retrospective when you could be writing about Zelda?”

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PB & Jason Issue 51: This is a Deep Issue

You can tell because this week's article is monochromatic.

This week's PB & Jason is very deep. It has a great atmosphere. You can tell it's not one of those big fancy-shmancy industry podcasts, because those have color.

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